OpenAI's ChatGPT opens up Memory Feature for all paying users

Published 4 months ago

OpenAI’s artificial intelligence chatbot, ChatGPT, is adding more personal assistant-style features through a memory function. This new feature enables ChatGPT to store queries, prompts, and other customizations more permanently, offering a more personalized response to the user’s inquiries.

Memory Feature for Paying Subscribers

Initially introduced in February for a limited number of users, the memory feature is now available to ChatGPT Plus paying subscribers outside Europe or Korea. ChatGPT’s memory functions in two ways: allowing users to input specific details for the AI to remember, and learning from similar conversations within its system, much like other algorithms employed in applications.

Making ChatGPT a Better AI Assistant

The memory feature moves ChatGPT closer to being an efficient AI assistant. Once it has stored the user’s preferences, ChatGPT can include them without requiring reminders. OpenAI has assured users will maintain control over what details ChatGPT remembers and how those are used for additional training. In a noticeable change from its initial testing phase, ChatGPT will now inform users when memories are updated.

User Control over Memory Content

Users have the facility to manage what ChatGPT remembers. They can review the details the chatbot has gleaned from conversations and instruct ChatGPT to “forget” any undesired details.

Practical Applications of Memory Feature

OpenAI illustrates the practical uses of the memory feature with a few examples. For instance, if a user has shared a preference for meeting notes with headlines, bullet points, and action items summarized at the end, ChatGPT will recall this preference and recap meetings accordingly.

Similarly, if a user has mentioned owning a local coffee shop, ChatGPT applies this information when brainstorming social media posts for a new location. The memory feature also enables ChatGPT to recall personal details, like a user’s toddler’s fascination with jellyfish, and use this when helping create a birthday card.

The Limitations of Memory

ChatGPT’s memory feature is not without its limitations. The AI can recall details during active conversations, but if a conversation is paused for a long period or a new conversation begins, the details might be lost. OpenAI has not provided reasons why the memory feature will not be available in Europe or Korea.

The company has announced plans to roll out the memory feature to subscribers of ChatGPT Enterprise and Teams, and custom GPTs on the GPT Store, without specifying a timeline.